
Caye Caulker Belize

Caye Caulker

We rode the water taxi out from Belize City to film aerials at Caye Caulker, a small limestone coral island off the coast in the Caribbean Sea.

Caracol Belize

Caracol Mayan Temple

Following the path of the Wood Thrush, we tracked it to a point near the ancient Mayan temple of Caracol. The city is approximately 200 square kilometers, covering an area

Cacao Farm Tour

Cacao Farm Tour

En route to Cockscomb Basin, we visited an organic cacao farm to talk about sustainable practices. The farmer gave us a tour of the plants and explained why they chose to

Hummingbird Highway Belize

Hummingbird Highway

Heavy flooding due diverted our route to a drive down the Hummingbird Highway, a lush, winding route that connects Belmopan and the eastern city of Dangriga. This is one